Top Tip or Artist Hack

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I’m participating in a 30 day challenge (August for Artists) devised by, and it’s day 21 (to catch-up on the earlier posts, check out my instagram page).

My top tip is also my vision statement, which I wanted to share with you too. Keep reading to find out more. 🙂


I’ve been pondering on this, and what screams out as a top tip from me to you is: BE YOU – in a world where you’re expected to ‘fit-in’.

With so many demands on our time, on how we should do things, how we should interact, adhere to rules and guidelines etc.. we often get caught up in the whirl of it all.

In these moments, take a pause, reconnect with your why, why are you here? Why are you doing what you are doing? What is your mission? What is your vision?

What is the core of it all?

Following everything to the letter T?


It’s being YOU. So…

Be You. You needn’t fit in when you can soar.

Here’s the 30 days challenge prompt sheet. If you take part, do tag me in!

What does your BE YOU moment look like?

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