Yikici – Creative HeART

Hello Beautiful Soul, it’s time to be you 🙂

In a world where we are led to believe we ‘need to ‘fit-in’, remember this one thing, you are perfect just the way you are. Be you, in a world where we’re expected to fit-in.

Why do I say that? To put it simply, I have come to realise that my artworks and presence online are a reflection of my inner world and thoughts. These have been suppressed over the years. Years of ‘how to fit-in into societal & cultural norms’, have led me to find the courage to speak through my art and written words. This way, I remain unique and true to me. Through this expression I am raising awareness to the age old adage “what we all see on the surface may not be a true reflection of who we truly are.”

Therefore, I urge you to look beyond what you see, and have a thirst of curiosity in your sight. See beyond the confines of the borders we are encouraged to live in. Be courageous. Be uniquely you.

Be you, in a world where we’re expected to fit-in.

Click on the sections below to see more. If you cannot find what you’re looking for, do reach out and contact me via email. Thank you for visiting. 🙂

Email: hello@yikici.co.uk by Ozlem Yikici

Celebration of Life! Online Group Exhibition

Get Inspired from my artist sketchbook and musings once a month

PLUS every 3 months you could win one of my artworks or prints!

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You Could Win…

It’s the beginning of summer and I want to celebrate it with a little monthly competition for all you beautiful souls – just because (and as a thank you!). Sooooo, without further ado it’s Competition time! 😀 Each month I will pick a name out … Continue readingYou Could Win…

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